A water bill opened my eyes.

Fresh out of college, I moved into a rental house with friends in Oakland, California, and got the first water bill. It said we used hundreds of gallons a day. And for what? Our new garden?

It turned out I didn’t know the most basic things about water: Where did my drinking water come from? A river? Where did it go after the drain? Here’s modern living — a disconnect between what sustains us and how we impact the world.

My household was quick to make changes. We drove 93 miles to swim in our river and see the dam that made the city possible. We rerouted the shower drainpipe in our falling-apart rental to drain outside, into our newly planted yard.

I learned to honor water by reusing it. We can take water we’ve washed with and then send it outside to quench the thirst of a plum tree. Later, we can sit in its shade and eat fruit.

I began writing to share these stories and help others transform their homes. My goal isn’t measured in gallons, rather, how can we shift our culture? Our norms and values? When will we reach a balance and have clean water for all people and the planet?

For many years, I taught both kids and adults, from elementary classrooms to community college classes. I developed trainings and wrote curriculums. I joined committees to change codes and policies to legalize these earth-honoring practices.

Now, I’m writing more. One focus is science stories for young people.

I want to share solutions to pressing environmental challenges. I want us to rethink our relationships: to water, to energy, to our food, our stuff, to each other and the planet.

There is a lot of inspiring work happening. Let’s learn from it, and do better, together.


  • Freelance journalist (2021 to present) 
  • Author of how-to books and manuals on water reuse including: Greywater, Green Landscape (2017, Storey, Press) and The Water-Wise Home: How to Capture, Conserve, and Reuse Water in Your Home and Landscape (2015, Storey Press) and lead author of The San Francisco Graywater Design Guide for Outdoor Irrigation (2010, SF Public Utility Commission)

Policy work

  •  I work to improve policies and remove barriers for sustainable water systems with Greywater Action, the nonprofit I co-founded, and as a technical advisory committee member with IAPMO’s Water Efficiency and Sanitation Standard (We-Stand). 
  • In my role as a Sustainability Commissioner for my city I work to reduce carbon emissions, meet the goals of our Climate Action Plan, and create a healthier community.


  • I’ve taught in diverse roles including in public and private elementary schools, community colleges on water reuse topics, green-jobs training programs, and on-line teaching greywater system design. I’ve designed curriculum for kids and adults on many environmental themes including greywater system installation, environmental justice and gardening. I’ve also had the pleasure of co-organizing a local Earth Day Art Show to highlight young people's visions for stopping climate change. 

Professional activities

  • National Association of Science Writer (member)
  • Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (member)
  • International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials’ Water Efficiency and Sanitation Standard (WE-Stand)  (technical advisory member)


  • University of California at Berkeley, B.A. in. Environmental Science
  • New College of California, Teaching credential and Masters Degree in Education
  • Science Communication Certificate program at University of California at San Diego Extended Studies


Laura and a mushroom

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